Terrorists linked to Ansar al-Sunna Credit- STATEA USA

An Emerging Landscape of Terror in Mozambique: Implications for the Southern African Development Community

An Emerging Landscape of Terror in Mozambique: Implications for the Southern African Development Community Terrorists linked to Ansar al-Sunna Credit: STATEA USA. Dr. John Bosco Nizeimana, Research Fellow, Leadership & Governance Policy Lab   This article analyses the current crisis in Mozambique and its implications for the SADC region. Since 2017, northern Mozambique has been experiencing terror campaigns led by ‘Ansar al-Sunna’, an Islamist armed group. Large numbers of civilians have been killed and displaced, and the crisis threatens to set the region ablaze. Despite the government’s attempts to defeat the extremists, the crisis continues to escalate. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) maintains “a

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High Level Conference on the Sahel, February 2018 Credit: EEAS European External Action Service

Corruption in Africa – A Double Threat in the Fight Against COVID-19

The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented strain on public health systems and decimated economies, lives, and livelihoods. The distribution of cash grants and significant amounts of money flowing through global financial systems in the form of debt relief, loans from multilateral institutions, and government stimulus packages have been wrought with irregularities, some due to the weak underlying infrastructure necessary for distribution and others due to corruption. The paper argues for the establishment of anti-corruption hotlines and public campaigns by governments to raise awareness of the risks and consequences of corruption. Urgent responses to the COVID-19 pandemic should not come at the expense of continued corruption.

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An Anopheles mosquito, the most common means of transmission of malaria (credit: Pixabay)

Beyond COVID-19: Diseases that Plague Africa

COVID-19 has affected nations worldwide, and Africa has been no exception. However, the focus cannot be removed from other diseases that continue to plague millions of African citizens. Prevention and treatment programs for malaria, tuberculosis (TB), and HIV/AIDS have been severely affected due to the increased attention on fighting the pandemic, leaving these diseases the ability to run rampant. This article reviews recent research that estimates the total impact of the reduction in programs targeted at these other diseases.

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African Leaders at a conference

The African Continental Free Trade Area and Borderlands: Avoiding Pitfalls and Unlocking Potential

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to boost trade across Africa and lift millions of Africans out of poverty. However, like all free trade deals, the AfCFTA will inflict short-term economic pain on certain individuals and communities while creating new opportunities for others. These disruptions will be most acute in borderland regions across the continent. To minimize the AfCFTA’s adverse short-term effects on borderland communities, African governments should invest in border communities, prioritize extending state services into borderland regions, and eventually devolve political power and resources to local and regional governments to spur cross-border cooperation and unlock the AfCFTA’s full potential.

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South Sudan Womens Anti War Protest in Juba 2017 Credit Stefanie Glinski AFP Getty Images

Race in Sudan and South Sudan Part 1: Intersectional and Cross-sectional

This piece seeks to examine how the ethno-social environment in Sudan and South Sudan specifically impacts race and its unique intersection with religion and gender in the two nations. By examining historical and current developments across the Republic of the Sudan (henceforth ‘Sudan’) and The Republic of the South Sudan (henceforth ‘South Sudan’), it is evident that the Arab and Non-Arab Worlds are colliding within two nation states that are effectively partitioned. However, the very sets of differences that separate the many groups within Sudan and South Sudan may hold the key to further reconciliation and human development.

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Terrorists linked to Ansar al-Sunna Credit- STATEA USA

An Emerging Landscape of Terror in Mozambique: Implications for the Southern African Development Community

An Emerging Landscape of Terror in Mozambique: Implications for the Southern African Development Community Terrorists linked to Ansar al-Sunna Credit: STATEA USA. Dr. John Bosco Nizeimana, Research Fellow, Leadership & Governance Policy Lab   This article analyses the current crisis in Mozambique and its implications for the SADC region. Since 2017, northern Mozambique has been experiencing terror campaigns led by ‘Ansar al-Sunna’, an Islamist armed group. Large numbers of civilians have been killed and displaced, and the crisis threatens to set the region ablaze. Despite the government’s attempts to defeat the extremists, the crisis continues to escalate. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) maintains “a

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The Africa Center for Strategic Progress