Lagos Credit: Fakoyede Seun

COVID-19, Youth and Tech: The Chance to Build a Resilient Nigerian Economy?

COVID-19 presents a substantial threat to Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy. Heavily reliant on an unstable resource market for its revenue, the Nigerian government faces growing unrest and fiscal difficulty as unemployment rates surge amongst its predominantly youthful population. COVID-19 may mark a crossroads in Nigeria, wherein redirection from the legacies of oil and the colonial era can allow the state to realise the potential of its population, the majority of whom are under 25.

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Makurdi, Benue State. Credit— #EndSARS protest Nigeria

The #EndSARS Protest Crackdown: The Government’s Response and Matters Arising

Globally, it is no longer news what the #EndSARS hashtag and protest represents, what is now making the news rounds is how the democratically elected Government of Nigeria responded to the peaceful protesters, and how the young Nigerians who led the protest will react. However, for the benefit of anyone who may be coming in contact with the subject matter for the first time, let me give a quick introduction of the #EndSARS protest in Nigeria.

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Imperial Reckoning: an exceptional investigation into the violence and brutality which characterized the end of empire in Kenya

In ‘Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya’, author Caroline Elkins provides unique insight into late-colonial Kenya after having spent a decade of research in archives and conducting interviews with survivors of all sides of the Mau Mau rebellion in the 1950s. She provides a picture of an already racist regime whipped up in a frenzy of violence comparable to the worst atrocities of the second world war. Reading this account, one is especially struck by the similarities among the British colonial regime in 1950s Kenya and other genocidal regimes throughout history. Indeed, when racism and subjugation are the bedrock of rule, which is also devoid of democratic legitimacy, the gradual escalation of events to the point of inexplicable violence becomes the logical conclusion of such circumstances. This is one of the first in-depth investigations of Mau Mau, and Elkins provides a service in exposing the truth about the end of empire in Kenya.

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17th Africa Union Summit. Credit- Embassy of Equatorial Guinea

Bad Governance, #ENDSars Protest, and a Way Forward for Nigeria

Africa has been experiencing a wave of uprising recently that has brought attention to the consequences of bad governance. Governance and political leadership has been an area that the African continent has struggled with for quite some time. Since its “release” from colonization the continent has struggled with issues of exploitation, corruption, wars, and other destabilizing things. When it comes to governance in Nigeria, most say, it has been driven by self-interest. From not utilizing aid correctly to Boko Haram, most say that the Nigeria government does not have the interest of its citizens on its radar.

An analysis done by Akinola and Yagboyaju states that Nigeria fails in three major areas when it comes to governance and political leadership. These areas are security of lives and properties, promotion of the rule of law, and provision of visionary leadership . All three of these areas can be seen in the issue of police brutality in Nigeria. More specifically, the recent #ENDSars movement has highlighted, again, the presence of bad governance and the urgent need for improvement in the country.

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Young Women at Starfish International. Credit-Starfish International

The Socio-economic and Cultural Response to COVID -19 By Women in The Gambia

Currently, women and girls in The Gambia are taking robust action to contain the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) nationwide. This piece draws attention to the pivotal work of two women, Ramatoulie Jallow, a public health consultant, and Mam Yassin Sarr, founder of Starfish International, a non-profit organisation that focuses on leadership and education for girls. It will address the importance of inclusivity and civic participation of women and girls in fighting the global pandemic. Moreover, this paper sheds light on local efforts by Ramatoulie and Mam Yassin as they mitigate the spread of the pandemic by considering the socio-economic and cultural implications of their work at local and community levels.

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Lagos Credit: Fakoyede Seun

COVID-19, Youth and Tech: The Chance to Build a Resilient Nigerian Economy?

COVID-19 presents a substantial threat to Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy. Heavily reliant on an unstable resource market for its revenue, the Nigerian government faces growing unrest and fiscal difficulty as unemployment rates surge amongst its predominantly youthful population. COVID-19 may mark a crossroads in Nigeria, wherein redirection from the legacies of oil and the colonial era can allow the state to realise the potential of its population, the majority of whom are under 25.

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The Africa Center for Strategic Progress