17th African Union Summit

The Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 on the African Economy

This paper seeks to demonstrate the possible socio-economic repercussions of the pandemic to the continent and proposes amongst others that, African countries should prioritise cheaper solutions in the fight against the COVID-19 given the acute financial constraints burden by these countries before the outbreak of the pandemic. Also, it is recommended that African countries reinforce the inter-continental trade agreement such as the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which could increase intra-African trade by 15 to 25% higher by 2040. And lastly the paper draws attention to the need for good governance and leadership in adequately fighting the harmful effects of the pandemic. To fight the pandemic, governments are taking a series of important decisions and allocating enormous sums of money in the procurement of medical equipment and supplies or direct state aid to businesses to boost the economy. High-value contracts are also swiftly and discreetly being assigned and dizzying sums of relief and recovery money are being infused in the economy on a fast-track basis. It is crucial for the government to remain vigilant and invest significant efforts to ensure that this money is used appropriately, and that unscrupulous actors do not take advantage of the crisis to enrich themselves at the expense of the public.

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Mechanizing Agriculture in Nigeria: Equipment Sharing Programs and Services

The agricultural sector is important to the Nigerian economy, not only because it employs so many Nigerians, but also because Nigerian policy has recently shifted towards agricultural protectionism. The short-term effects on food security and production are unsurprising in the context of a globalized economy built around comparative advantage. Domestic farmers tasked with filling the sudden gap between supply and demand will need to implement yield-improving techniques to succeed. Nigerian policymakers must apply successful models of agricultural development that improve efficiency at an affordable cost. I propose that equipment sharing services and subsidies for equipment leasing enterprises would most effectively accomplish this goal.

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Tropical mother and child

A Path Towards Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment in Chad

The Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project is a region-wide initiative by the World Bank to engage various national actors in women’s rights issues and bolster a demographic dividend in the Sahel. This piece studies first-hand accounts in Chad and academic sources to assess the risk of financial dependency developed by such initiatives towards sustainable community development. Additionally, the article examines the collective relationship between international actors, national governments, and locally run associations such as Focus International towards sustainable economic and political autonomy for Chadian women.

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Makurdi, Benue State. Credit— #EndSARS protest Nigeria

The #EndSARS Protest Crackdown: The Government’s Response and Matters Arising

Globally, it is no longer news what the #EndSARS hashtag and protest represents, what is now making the news rounds is how the democratically elected Government of Nigeria responded to the peaceful protesters, and how the young Nigerians who led the protest will react. However, for the benefit of anyone who may be coming in contact with the subject matter for the first time, let me give a quick introduction of the #EndSARS protest in Nigeria.

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Imperial Reckoning: an exceptional investigation into the violence and brutality which characterized the end of empire in Kenya

In ‘Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya’, author Caroline Elkins provides unique insight into late-colonial Kenya after having spent a decade of research in archives and conducting interviews with survivors of all sides of the Mau Mau rebellion in the 1950s. She provides a picture of an already racist regime whipped up in a frenzy of violence comparable to the worst atrocities of the second world war. Reading this account, one is especially struck by the similarities among the British colonial regime in 1950s Kenya and other genocidal regimes throughout history. Indeed, when racism and subjugation are the bedrock of rule, which is also devoid of democratic legitimacy, the gradual escalation of events to the point of inexplicable violence becomes the logical conclusion of such circumstances. This is one of the first in-depth investigations of Mau Mau, and Elkins provides a service in exposing the truth about the end of empire in Kenya.

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17th African Union Summit

The Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 on the African Economy

This paper seeks to demonstrate the possible socio-economic repercussions of the pandemic to the continent and proposes amongst others that, African countries should prioritise cheaper solutions in the fight against the COVID-19 given the acute financial constraints burden by these countries before the outbreak of the pandemic. Also, it is recommended that African countries reinforce the inter-continental trade agreement such as the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which could increase intra-African trade by 15 to 25% higher by 2040. And lastly the paper draws attention to the need for good governance and leadership in adequately fighting the harmful effects of the pandemic. To fight the pandemic, governments are taking a series of important decisions and allocating enormous sums of money in the procurement of medical equipment and supplies or direct state aid to businesses to boost the economy. High-value contracts are also swiftly and discreetly being assigned and dizzying sums of relief and recovery money are being infused in the economy on a fast-track basis. It is crucial for the government to remain vigilant and invest significant efforts to ensure that this money is used appropriately, and that unscrupulous actors do not take advantage of the crisis to enrich themselves at the expense of the public.

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Best regards,
The Africa Center for Strategic Progress