Vladimir Putin and Faustin Touadera 2019

Russia’s Influence in Africa: The Problematic Use of Quasi-State Corporations

The 2013 Russian Foreign Policy Concept towards Africa promulgated “mutually beneficial trade” and “settling… regional conflicts.” This paper discusses inconsistencies in Russia’s foreign policy by examining four cases: the Central African Republic, Egypt, Libya, and South Africa. Due to Russia’s economic limitations, quasi-state actors such as Yevgeny Prigozhin and Gazprom enable Moscow’s presence on the continent. Overall, Russia’s involvement asymmetrically benefits Russia’s national and private sector’s agenda over these African nations. Russia’s policy is stunting African economic growth and weakening governance across the continent.

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Growing Cocoa

The LID Unlidded: West African Countries’ United Attempt to Increase Cocoa Farmers’ Income

Despite the billions of dollars in revenue generated by multinationals in the chocolate industry, many cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana live below the poverty line. The Ivorian and Ghanaian governments’ joint program to implement a new premium, called the Living Income Differential (LID), to cocoa prices is intended as poverty relief. Although LID has not produced as many benefits as expected, the collective action in its applications and enforcement along with its potential to push chocolate companies to properly contribute to increased incomes for cocoa farmers make it an initiative worth keeping and improving.

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Illustration of Africa

Humanitarian Cash Assistance in the 21st Century: The Use of Cryptocurren

This article explores the history of digital currency in Sub-Saharan Africa, the use of cryptocurrency in humanitarian aid and the innovative use of cryptocurrency to distribute Universal Basic Income to vulnerable populations in need. This article will also touch on the role digital currency played during the height of COVID-19 in providing immediate cash assistance with limited human contact.

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Computer Laptop

The Rise of Cyber-Attacks in Kenya: A New Terrorist Landscape

The digital landscape in Kenya is rapidly evolving, leaving critical infrastructure exposed to data breaches and malicious activity. Remote workers and businesses are easy targets for cyber criminals seeking to extract Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and valuable data. Phishing attempts, malware attacks, and other cyber threats are becoming increasingly concerning due to the rise in organized cybercrime groups, ransomware gangs, and bots seeking to exploit vulnerable cloud networks, outdated software, and unprotected devices.

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Vladimir Putin and Faustin Touadera 2019

Russia’s Influence in Africa: The Problematic Use of Quasi-State Corporations

The 2013 Russian Foreign Policy Concept towards Africa promulgated “mutually beneficial trade” and “settling… regional conflicts.” This paper discusses inconsistencies in Russia’s foreign policy by examining four cases: the Central African Republic, Egypt, Libya, and South Africa. Due to Russia’s economic limitations, quasi-state actors such as Yevgeny Prigozhin and Gazprom enable Moscow’s presence on the continent. Overall, Russia’s involvement asymmetrically benefits Russia’s national and private sector’s agenda over these African nations. Russia’s policy is stunting African economic growth and weakening governance across the continent.

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Thank you for your submission.  We will be in touch with you soon.  If you have any further questions please email Robin Hardy.

Best regards,
The Africa Center for Strategic Progress