The Province of Cabo Delgado in Mozanbique. Credit ISS

The Islamist Insurgency in Mozambique, is SADC doing enough?

Ahlu Sunna wa Jama (ASWJ), an Islamic militant organization, has solidified its power in northern Mozambique through a violent insurgency. As the crisis intensifies, the prospect of a Southern African Development Community (SADC) intervention is becoming increasingly likely. If the bloc can resolve its differences and implement a joint military-humanitarian intervention, a larger regional crisis may yet be averted.

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Arrival of medical supplies donated by People's Republic of China to South Africa

Principles for Independence: Maintaining African Autonomy in the Age of COVID-19

Africa is no stranger to combatting public health crises, and the renewed growth seen in many nations, coupled with the optimism of a new generation of younger and more reform-minded African leaders, means that there is a real opportunity to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic. To do so, however, it is important that African nations preserve their autonomy, and maintain a focus on the protection of self-determination, democratic representation, and their own national interests above those of external powers that seek to use COVID-19 aid as a lever of power.

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map of northern africa

Implications of Sudan’s Foreign Affairs on the future of Sudan

Sudan’s removal from the US State Sponsor or Terrorism List (SST) and the normalization of relations with Israel are two novel aspects of Sudanese foreign affairs that may prove especially significant in shaping the country’s future. While the normalization of ties with Israel was prematurely forced onto the government by the US, the overall outcome has the potential to help move the country forward.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in the Modern World: Sub-Saharan African Perspective

The increasing use of digital technologies has created a more connected world. However, African nations are experiencing knowledge gaps and inadequate digital infrastructures. While investment in tech companies in Africa has surged since 2018, it could decrease if the continent does not develop the capacity necessary for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation in line with its global counterparts. States must define artificial intelligence, invest in research and infrastructure, as well as establish legislative policy frameworks to guide the development and investment in AI. This article analyzes the role of AI in Sub-Saharan Africa and the challenges faced in the adoption of AI. It then proffers policy recommendations based on this analysis.

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Cookstove on display

How Efficient Cook Stoves Can Improve the Environment and Women’s Health

The World Bank estimates that a cumulative 40 million worker years are wasted annually on gathering fuelwood for use in traditional cookstoves. This work is largely done by women, and it prevents them from otherwise using their free time for income-generating activities or schoolwork. Moreover, in many African countries, women and children spend hours cooking on these traditional cookstoves, which has led to poor health outcomes. Thus, emphasis needs to be put into the adoption and usage of improved cookstoves.

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The Province of Cabo Delgado in Mozanbique. Credit ISS

The Islamist Insurgency in Mozambique, is SADC doing enough?

Ahlu Sunna wa Jama (ASWJ), an Islamic militant organization, has solidified its power in northern Mozambique through a violent insurgency. As the crisis intensifies, the prospect of a Southern African Development Community (SADC) intervention is becoming increasingly likely. If the bloc can resolve its differences and implement a joint military-humanitarian intervention, a larger regional crisis may yet be averted.

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Best regards,
The Africa Center for Strategic Progress