africa security and intelligence

Backgrounder: The Risk of Islamic Insurgency in Senegal: A Foreboding History

For almost fifteen years, terrorism has raged across the Western Sahel. Tens of thousands of lives have been lost, property has been destroyed, and thousands of individuals have been displaced. Yet throughout this time Senegal has been known as a beacon for stability, “untouched” by the violence afflicting its neighbors. Yet if the country has a reputation as a moderate political state that has avoided the region’s wave of extremism, this is smoke and mirrors. Senegal is not as stable as it appears. This analysis will reveal that embers of Islamic militancy smolder not only at the borders of the country but also within Senegal’s boundaries—risking explosion at any time.

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African Soldiers


Rethinking Peacekeeping in Africa Sabrine Dao, Research Analyst, Security & Intelligence Policy   Introduction For decades, peacekeeping operations have been combined global enterprises, aiming at providing security in time of transition and building conditions for lasting peace in countries and regions of the world torn apart by violent conflicts. The concept of a world cooperating to end human rights violations is a core foundational concept of the United Nations (UN). For the past 20 years, UN peacekeeping operations have been deployed on three continents. Africa, to this day, hosts seven peacekeeping operations which are complex and multidimensional, focusing on

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Defense materials factory image

Africa’s Emerging Space and Satellite Programs Could be Key for Security and Defense – But May Pose Larger Strategic Risks

A renewed interest in space is felt in Africa, with several African countries deploying satellites since the continent’s first in 1998. Since then, African countries have used satellites for counterinsurgency or peacekeeping operations. This could benefit African countries dealing with insurgencies, but challenges for African space programs remain. Furthermore, many governments are looking to Russia and China for support, posing a geopolitical risk. This paper recommends that increased inter-African coordination in satellite-based defense applications should be prioritized, and that African governments should invest in space science education to improve Africa’s potential to develop its space industry.

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africa security and intelligence

Backgrounder: The Risk of Islamic Insurgency in Senegal: A Foreboding History

For almost fifteen years, terrorism has raged across the Western Sahel. Tens of thousands of lives have been lost, property has been destroyed, and thousands of individuals have been displaced. Yet throughout this time Senegal has been known as a beacon for stability, “untouched” by the violence afflicting its neighbors. Yet if the country has a reputation as a moderate political state that has avoided the region’s wave of extremism, this is smoke and mirrors. Senegal is not as stable as it appears. This analysis will reveal that embers of Islamic militancy smolder not only at the borders of the country but also within Senegal’s boundaries—risking explosion at any time.

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African Soldiers


Rethinking Peacekeeping in Africa Sabrine Dao, Research Analyst, Security & Intelligence Policy   Introduction For decades, peacekeeping operations have been combined global enterprises, aiming at providing security in time of transition and building conditions for lasting peace in countries and regions of the world torn apart by violent conflicts. The concept of a world cooperating to end human rights violations is a core foundational concept of the United Nations (UN). For the past 20 years, UN peacekeeping operations have been deployed on three continents. Africa, to this day, hosts seven peacekeeping operations which are complex and multidimensional, focusing on

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Defense materials factory image

Africa’s Emerging Space and Satellite Programs Could be Key for Security and Defense – But May Pose Larger Strategic Risks

A renewed interest in space is felt in Africa, with several African countries deploying satellites since the continent’s first in 1998. Since then, African countries have used satellites for counterinsurgency or peacekeeping operations. This could benefit African countries dealing with insurgencies, but challenges for African space programs remain. Furthermore, many governments are looking to Russia and China for support, posing a geopolitical risk. This paper recommends that increased inter-African coordination in satellite-based defense applications should be prioritized, and that African governments should invest in space science education to improve Africa’s potential to develop its space industry.

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Thank you for your submission.  We will be in touch with you soon.  If you have any further questions please email Robin Hardy.

Best regards,
The Africa Center for Strategic Progress