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The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Can Africa Hold a Place?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has come with huge opportunities and challenges for the African continent. Given that the 4IR results in a complete societal shift, potential risks could lead to greater challenges. Proper awareness and understanding are vital as Africans increasingly embrace new technologies. Since African countries cannot afford to remain on the periphery of the international economic order, bridging education and skill gaps through the overhaul of African education systems is critical to helping Africa hold a meaningful place in the 4IR. Indeed, playing a fundamental role in this era is vital for Africa.

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COVID shots sign

Vaccine Apartheid: The Structural Racism of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime

This report argues that the current limitations on Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing as upheld by the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights are a codification of racist and exploitative political maneuvering. Far from a natural outcome of universally understood intellectual property law, the decision to limit access to vaccine development is a result of the pharmaceutical industry’s extensive influence. The harms of this intellectual property regime entrench structural racism not only within public health but also in the nonprofit sector.

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Streets of Bamako during the Malian 2020 Coup. [Credit: Mariama Diallo via VoA]

ECOWAS’ Response to Coups in West Africa, 2020-2021

West Africa is the most coup-prone region in Africa. As coups are associated with decreased economic growth, an increase in human rights abuses, and a lack of democracy, how ECOWAS has responded to recent coups is an important topic of study. This report thus examines ECOWAS’ responses to the 2020 Malian Coup, the 2021 Guinean Coup, and the 2021 military transition of power in Mali. This report further discusses the importance of preventative measures, measures such as ensuring good governance in member states and preventing state leaders from manipulating the constitution to remain in power.

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Credit: Adobe Stock Images

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Can Africa Hold a Place?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has come with huge opportunities and challenges for the African continent. Given that the 4IR results in a complete societal shift, potential risks could lead to greater challenges. Proper awareness and understanding are vital as Africans increasingly embrace new technologies. Since African countries cannot afford to remain on the periphery of the international economic order, bridging education and skill gaps through the overhaul of African education systems is critical to helping Africa hold a meaningful place in the 4IR. Indeed, playing a fundamental role in this era is vital for Africa.

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COVID shots sign

Vaccine Apartheid: The Structural Racism of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime

This report argues that the current limitations on Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing as upheld by the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights are a codification of racist and exploitative political maneuvering. Far from a natural outcome of universally understood intellectual property law, the decision to limit access to vaccine development is a result of the pharmaceutical industry’s extensive influence. The harms of this intellectual property regime entrench structural racism not only within public health but also in the nonprofit sector.

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Streets of Bamako during the Malian 2020 Coup. [Credit: Mariama Diallo via VoA]

ECOWAS’ Response to Coups in West Africa, 2020-2021

West Africa is the most coup-prone region in Africa. As coups are associated with decreased economic growth, an increase in human rights abuses, and a lack of democracy, how ECOWAS has responded to recent coups is an important topic of study. This report thus examines ECOWAS’ responses to the 2020 Malian Coup, the 2021 Guinean Coup, and the 2021 military transition of power in Mali. This report further discusses the importance of preventative measures, measures such as ensuring good governance in member states and preventing state leaders from manipulating the constitution to remain in power.

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Best regards,
The Africa Center for Strategic Progress